新关注 > 信息聚合 > 8万名玩家涌入!魔兽新N服今天正式开服


80000 players into! Warcraft new N take today formally

2016-12-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

8万名玩家涌入!魔兽新N服今天正式开服 今天,Nostalrius和服Elysium团队联合开放的新魔兽世界N服私服上线了,截止至开服前一天,一共约有8万名玩家注册了账号,其中来自旧N服的回归玩家占据了一半以上。 如此庞大的玩家人数已经超过了新N服当前的承载量,仅开服10分钟服务器就满员了,两个服务器根本就不够用,不过依旧无法阻挡玩家的热情。 宣传短片 成功登入N服的玩家们嘲讽暴雪,表示这是一场玩家胜利!应该让暴雪重新审视怀旧服。暴雪方面由于在休假中,并未对此事做出回应,自从N服开启重启计划以来,暴雪方面一直保持沉默的态度。 N服的复活标志着之前怀旧服谈判的成果均付诸东流,...

80000 players into! Warcraft new N today formally open clothing; Nostalrius kimono Elysium team jointly open a new world of warcraft N take private servers online, as of the day before to the suit, there were about 80000 players registered accounts, including from the return of the old N take players occupied more than half. Such a large number of players has gone beyond the new N take the current capacity, only takes 10 minutes server is full, there just wasn't the two servers to use, but still can not stop the enthusiasm of the players. Promotional video Successful login N take players at blizzard, said this is a player win! Should let blizzard to re-examine nostalgia. Blizzard aspects due to the holiday, did not respond to this matter, since N take open restart plan, blizzard has been silent attitude. N take the resurrection of the marked the nostalgic clothes before negotiation results are failed,...

标签: 玩家