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美女主播缺席 英魂WCA区域赛火热征战

Beautiful anchor WCA regional tournament in the absence of hot

2015-10-21 16:12:52来源: 新浪

近年来,电子竞技呈现出发展迅猛的态势。《英魂之刃》巧借游戏界刮起的竞技之风,在极短的时间内,突破同时在线人数40W,跃升至对战类游戏前三甲,成为继LOL、DOTA之后,又一大热门MOBA。《英魂之刃》WCA全民公开赛开赛以来,吸引众多玩家及战队的关注,上周西南、华中赛区区域赛完美收官。 ...

in recent years, the rapid development of electronic sports showing a trend. Competitive wind blowing the souls of the blade "on the pretext of the game industry, in a very short period of time, breakthrough at the same time the number of online 40W, jumped to the top three war games become after lol, DOTA, another popular MoBa. The edge of the souls of the WCA national open since the start, attracting the attention of many players and teams, last week, southwest, Central Division regional match perfect ending. ...

标签: 主播