新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保卫萝卜2第85关完美通关技巧攻略


Defend the radish 2 85 perfect game skills strategy

2016-03-22 11:24:51来源: 4399

保卫萝卜第八十五关怎么过?这一关其实通过并不难,难的是在规定时间内消除城堡!那么保卫萝卜2第85关怎么过?接下来就跟随小编一起来看看吧。 1、本关卡我们可以选择一个瓶子炮塔开局,在如图位置上建造一个瓶子炮塔并且升级至满级,然后清理下方的雪屋道具,清理完成后我们会获得4个船锚炮塔,将其中...

How do you defend radish eighty-five off? This by actually not difficult, difficult is within the prescribed time to eliminate the castle! So defend the radish 2 85 how close? Then follow the small make up together and see it. 1, this level, we can choose a bottle turret start building a bottle on the position as shown in figure turret and upgrade to the full, and then clean the bottom of the snow house props, clean up after the completion of the we will get four anchor turret, which...