新关注 > 信息聚合 > 危机四伏37《大天使之剑》深入狼魂要塞


Be threatened by growing crises 37 "big Angel Sword" in-depth wolf soul fortress

2015-03-17 18:09:59来源: 太平洋游戏网


in 37 "big Angel Sword", wolf soul fortress can be said to be a copy of every night will do the game player, game player all levels in more than 160 of all can go in, such conditions which game player is not Beckoning but before entering the game player? The wolf spirit, the team still has exquisite, unless there is a team very strong game player, or BOSS that wave may be tough, killed off BOSS is gold with the equipment, so in the best of each occupation are at least one...