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近四成游戏公司营收下滑 海外并购加速

Nearly forty percent game company revenue accelerated decline in overseas m&a

2016-09-09 16:58:14来源: 新浪

市场预测,今年中国游戏市场规模将达到1500亿元,将是国内电影市场的3.3倍,成为泛娱乐产业的”领头羊”。 中国音数协游戏工委、伽马数据与国际数据公司联合发布的《2016年1-6月中国游戏产业报告》也显示,截至2016年上半年,中国游戏市场实际销售收入达到787.5亿元,同比增长30...

Market forecast, the Chinese game market scale will reach 150 billion yuan this year, will be 3.3 times in the film market of the country, to become the "leader" of the entertainment industry. Chinese sound number game, the gamma ray data with the international company jointly issued the "2016 June 1 - the Chinese game industry report also shows that as of the first half of 2016, China's game market actual sales revenue reached 78.75 billion yuan, rose 30...

标签: 游戏