新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩“九阴真经”广交网友 “白富美”骗了40多万元

玩“九阴真经”广交网友 “白富美”骗了40多万元

Playing "Jiuyin Zhenjing" and making friends with "Bai Fumei" deceived more than 400,000 yuan

2019-09-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

张某被抓。 镇江润州公安分局鹤林派出所破获一起大型网络诈骗案件,此案中犯罪嫌疑人张某通过玩网络游戏结交朋友,然后实施诈骗。6日,镇江润州警方介绍,经查张某诈骗江苏、北京、上海、浙江等地网友40余万元,全国各地被骗人数达到20多人。 6日,采访中,警方告诉记者,该案中的诈骗者,所用的还是熟悉的“白富美”套路。家住镇江跑马山路的陈女士,2013年通过玩网络游戏“九阴真经”认识女子张某。张某平时玩游戏花钱大手大脚,游戏里的装备也非常豪华,很是让玩同款游戏的网友们“眼热”。 由此,张某给人一种非常有钱的“白富美”的感觉,并取得了诸多网友的信任。 “她说自己是公务员,开的是奔驰豪车,家...

Zhang Mou was arrested. Zhenjiang Runzhou Public Security Bureau Helin Police Station uncovered a large-scale network fraud case, in which the suspect Zhang Mou made friends through playing online games, and then carried out fraud. On June 6, Zhenjiang Runzhou police said that more than 400,000 Internet users in Jiangsu, Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang were found to have been cheated by Zhang, and more than 20 people were cheated across the country. In an interview on June 6, the police told reporters that the fraudsters in the case were still using the familiar "Bai Fumei" routine. Ms. Chen, who lives on Running Ma Shan Road in Zhenjiang, met Zhang Mou in 2013 by playing the online game "Jiuyin Zhenjing". Zhang Mou usually spends a lot of money on games, and the equipment in the Games is very luxurious, which makes the netizens who play the same games "hot eye". As a result, Zhang Mou gives people a very rich feeling of "Bai Fumei", and has gained the trust of many netizens. "She says she's a civil servant, driving a Mercedes-Benz, home...