新关注 > 信息聚合 > 技嘉AORUS OPEN火爆开战 夏天y助力草根吃鸡战队

技嘉AORUS OPEN火爆开战 夏天y助力草根吃鸡战队

Gigabyte AORUS OPEN hot war Y help grassroots chicken team in the summer

2018-06-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由技嘉科技主办的GTL全国电子竞技联赛从2009年至今已经走过了10个年头,致力于为广大草根电竞选手创造一个公平竞技的环境。今年技嘉旗下高端电竞硬件品牌AORUS将GTL联赛全面升级,首届全球大型赛事AORUS OPEN – 2018 PUBG全球公开赛火爆开战!。 本届AORUS OPEN全球公开赛中国区代言人夏天y: 虎牙直播签约主播,直播风格爽朗亲切幽默,深受粉丝喜爱,乐于与粉丝们进行互动,被粉丝们亲切的称呼为“天哥”。虽然只有18岁,但是已经在直播平台上累计了超高的人气。作为名副其实的“小鲜肉”,夏天y的颜值也非常高,但是他却靠自己的努力赢得观众的喜欢,相信作为AORUS O...

Sponsored by the science and technology of gigabyte GTL national e-sports league since 2009 has been 10 years, is committed to the grassroots campaign electricity hand to create a fair and competitive environment. E-sports hardware gigabyte this year's high-end brand AORUS will GTL league comprehensive upgrade, the first global big events AORUS OPEN - 2018 PUBG global OPEN hot war! . Y: the AORUS OPEN global OPEN China spokesperson summer signing canine teeth live anchor, live style chipper kind humor, loved by fans, willing to interact with fans and kindly called by her fans, "the elder brother of the day". Although only 18 years old, but already live in platforms and ultra-high popularity. As worthy of the name "a little fresh meat," summer y appearance is also very high, but he is on our own efforts to win the audience like, believe as AORUS O...