新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《风暴英雄》黄金赛再开,不过选手觉得它有些不够“职业”


The storm hero gold game is back on, but the players think it's not "professional"

2020-03-27 17:25:00来源: 触乐

本月初,2020年黄金风暴联赛计划正式公布了。在这份计划中他们表示,这次的黄金联赛分为5个赛季(远多于此前的两个),减少了每个赛季的比赛场数。与此同时,联赛奖金也被分散到每个赛季中,这意味着总冠军奖金比2019年缩水了80%。 以往的9~16名奖金也被取消了 RVS战队的雨天是在一局游戏的中间得到这个消息的。 雨天从年初开始在bilibili上分享了大量实用性很强的《风暴英雄》教学视频。在前段时间坚果老板举办的2020“坚果杯”中,他作为特邀解说点评了全部比赛。 不过,作为一名《风暴英雄》职业选手,他显然更希望在高规格的职业比赛中拼杀,而黄金风暴赛是仅存的最后一个官方赛事。在计划书公布之前,雨天已经等待这次比赛很久很久了。他兴奋地读起了计划书,但是这份兴奋很快在看到一个信息后烟消云散

At the beginning of this month, the 2020 golden storm League plan was officially announced. In the plan, they say, the Golden League is divided into five seasons (far more than the previous two), reducing the number of games each season. At the same time, League bonuses have been spread out over the course of each season, which means the total championship bonus is 80% smaller than in 2019.