新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯吃鸡手游《光荣使命》开启iOS测试


Tencent to eat chicken mobile game "glorious mission" open iOS test

2017-12-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

之前笔者在腾讯手游吃鸡开测 苹果手机玩不了中提到《光荣使命》在iOS端暂时无法进行测试。“微信游戏”公众号正式宣布《光荣使命》上线,苹果手机在Appstore中已可以搜到(iPad暂不支持)。 系统公告 根据游戏内公告,本次为不限号不删档测试,于29日17:00开服。游戏有三种登录方式:游客、微信及QQ登录。 《荒野行动》登录界面 《荒野行动》游戏界面 从游戏界面来看,《光荣使命》采用了和网易手游《荒野行动》相似的世界观体系,支持“单人演习”、“双人演习”、“团队拉练”三种游戏模式。内置7种人物角色(默认解锁两种),解锁方式可通过完成任务或者金币进行解锁。 《...

Before the test in the mobile game of tencent to eat chicken Apple mobile phone can't play in the glorious mission on the iOS side temporarily unable to test. "WeChat game" officially "glorious mission" online public, apple mobile phone in the Appstore has can search (the temporary does not support). System of announcement According to the announcement inside the game, this is an unlimited number don't delete file test, 17:00 on 29th. Login game there are three ways: tourists, micro letter, and QQ login. "The wilderness act" login screen "wilderness action game interface From the point of the game interface, "glorious mission" adopted and netease mobile game "the wilderness act" similar view of the world system, support the "single exercises", "double exercises", "tour group" three game modes. Built-in 7 kinds of characters (default unlock two), unlock method can complete the task by or COINS to unlock. "...

标签: 手游 iOS 腾讯