新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战神》新作分级为17+ 系列特色小游戏或将缺席

《战神》新作分级为17+ 系列特色小游戏或将缺席

The new work of the God of war is classified as a 17+ series of small games or will be absent

2017-12-24 13:25:47来源: 游戏时光


The new "ares" is about to enter PS4. It is undoubtedly one of the most watched games in 2018. Recently, ESRB has announced the grading results of this work. The new ares is rated as M level (17+). This result is not surprising. A detailed description of the following may contain mild spoilers offered at ESRB, wrote "Kratos will use the Tomahawk, blade and sword and chain to fight the enemy, including God, half god, monster, and skeleton warriors. The battle of the frequency is very high, and very bloody, game player will use weapons, assassination, beheaded the enemy to death. Large BOSS will have more violent performances, Kratos will pierce the dragon's tongue, a character will tear the ogre's jaw with an axe. The game will have a beheaded plot, dialogue will appear in 'f**k' and 'a*shole'......" It is worth mentioning that ESRB does not mention the series of "color" games of the previous generations, and it seems that the new "..."

标签: 游戏