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王者荣耀奇怪君 版本强势英雄雅典娜技能讲解

King glory strange gentleman version Athena skills strong hero

2017-12-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《王者荣耀》里,有一个英雄,真的很强大,但是一直都在坐冷板凳,因为她,技能根本看不懂嘛!她就是智慧女神雅典娜。不过有一位主播,触手直播的天才少年奇怪君,今天以648分的高分成绩考进对外经贸大学,是家长最喜欢的主播,却能把这个英雄玩的出神入化。接下来就让我们一起来看看天才少年对智慧女神的理解。 雅典娜是一个依靠强化普攻来打出伤害的战士,与猴子不同,她只有二技能能够起到强化效果,所以上手难度更高;与孙尚香也不同,她的一三技能可以与二技能和被动起到完美联动的效果,而孙尚香的二三技能则不行。这就导致雅典娜成为了峡谷中极为特殊的一个存在,上限极高、下限极低,会玩的雅典娜,一次团战可以在多个敌人身...

The king of glory, there is a hero, is really very powerful, but has always been on the bench, because her skill at reading! She is the goddess of wisdom, Athena. But there is an anchor, tentacles streaming prodigy strange, today to score 648 points got into the university of international business and economics, is parents favourite anchor, can play the hero of the sublime. Next let's take a look at boy genius to understand the goddess of wisdom. Athena is a rely on strengthening general attack to play hurt soldier, unlike the monkey, she is only two skills can strengthen effect, so learn more difficult; With different sun shangxiang, her tourism skills can and two skills to have the perfect linkage effect and passive, and two or three skills of sun shangxiang is not. This leads to Athena became the canyon existed in a very special, very high ceiling, floor is extremely low, Athena, will play a melee could be helpful in more than one enemy...

标签: 王者荣耀