新关注 > 信息聚合 > “大逃杀”网游风靡,我们离网络内容分级还有多远?


"Battle royale" online game is popular, we from the network content rating how far is it?

2017-12-01 00:00:00来源: 人民网

作为舶来品,“大逃杀”类游戏迅速风靡,在国内聚揽了大量人气。然而,血腥、暴力、杀戮……从一开始,各界对“大逃杀”类游戏就存在各种争论。如何才能避免未成年人受到暴力杀戮游戏的负面影响?再一次引发人们对网络内容分级制度的讨论。 “大逃杀”类游戏“顶风前行” 在最早的“大逃杀”类游戏《绝地求生:大逃杀》里,当玩家胜利时,会传来“winner winner ,chicken dinne(大吉大利,晚上吃鸡)”的祝贺声,因此“大逃杀”类游戏也被网友戏称为“吃鸡”游戏。 近日,腾讯在其官方公众号及腾讯游戏官博公布了重要消息,表示已经与《绝地求生:大逃杀》的开发公司PUBG达成战略合作,获得...

As import, "battle royale" games quickly spread, more and a lot of popularity in the country. However, bloody, violence, killing... From the beginning, from all walks of life to "battle royale" games there are all kinds of argument. How to avoid the negative impact of juvenile violence killing game? Once again led to network content rating system. "Battle royale" games "headwind" at the earliest "battle royale" games "jedi lore: battle royale", when the player, from "winner winner, chicken dinne, prosperous, and at night to eat chicken," congratulations, therefore "battle royale" by netizens also nicknamed the "chicken" game. Recently, tencent in its official public number and tencent games official blog announced important news, says it has with the development of the journal desperately: battle royale company PUBG reached a strategic cooperation, obtain...

标签: 网游