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Go to the park. 【 XinYou month about 】 in December

2017-11-30 20:14:44来源: 游戏时光

一年又要过去了,作为承前启后,继往开来的一个月,本月最受瞩目的游戏有:《异度神剑2》带很多小姐姐一起去乐园。《怪物猎人 世界》Beta版,新老猎人热身准备。《如龙 极2》黑帮硬汉再对决。《假面骑士:巅峰战士》,谁才是最强假面骑士!《绝地求生》,只要服务器不崩一切都好说!此外,《地球防卫军5》、《小小合金》、《最终幻想15:伊格尼斯篇》、《大神 绝景版》、《生化危机7黄金版》、《地平线 零之曙光 白金版》《命运2 冥王诅咒》等精彩游戏也都不容错过。B站视频原地址 我们还制作了音频版,以供大家随意取用。本期节目链接:网易云音乐|荔枝|听伴|喜马拉雅FM

A year in the past again, as the future, after a month, this month's most high-profile games: the cyber excalibur 2 "with a lot of little sister go to the park. "Monster hunter world" Beta, new and old hunter warmed up. "Such as dragon pole 2" gang tough guy again. The false face knight: peak warrior, who is the strongest mask knight! To survive the jedi, as long as the server does not collapse all to say! In addition, the "earth guard 5", "small alloy", "final fantasy 15: nice article, eagle", "the great god more edition," resident evil 7 gold ", "zero the dawn of the horizon Platinum edition ", "2 hades curse fate" and other excellent games is not to be missed. B standing video the address & have spent & have spent We also make the audio version, for everyone to help yourself. This program links: netease cloud music | litchi | listen with | Himalayan FM  & have spent