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Ghost horse elf Tibet more thing? To send 1931 sisters with "shu door hand swim" otaku to heaven

2017-11-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

相信两天前大家都被某小只生日的粉丝应援刷屏了,因为他家粉丝实在是太壕了。据应援不完整汇总 LED大屏覆盖全国24个地区38个城市,辐射至欧洲北美东南亚等13个海外国家。机场高铁地铁写字楼电子屏超过15000台,海外电子屏数量近300块......公益覆盖全球10个国家,全国29个地区,捐建希望小学,捐赠善款物资,助养濒危动物,关爱老弱群体环卫工人,救助流浪动物等项目。 应援详细名单的图我就不放了,太长,吓人。 三小只粉丝还只能算是后起之辈,女团粉丝才是应援界大佬,前两年日本偶像女子天团AKB48总选落幕,20岁的美少女渡边麻友凭159854票夺得冠军,成为该团体“首席偶像”,创造...

Believe that everyone is two days before a small birthday fans who only refresh, because his home fans is too deep. According to who do not complete coverage summary LED the 38 cities in 24, 13 radiation to Europe North America, southeast Asia and other overseas countries. The airport high-speed rail subway office electronic screen more than 15000 units, overseas electronic screen number nearly 300 pieces of... Public interest covering 10 countries around the world, 29 of the country, endowed hope primary school, charitable donation supplies, sponsorship of endangered animals, care, community sanitation workers, and stray animals, etc. Who figure I won't put detailed list, is too long, scary. 3 hours only fans also can be the prominent and convent fans who is the world, two years before the Japanese idol group AKB48 women's day always choose, beautiful girl MaYou watanabe, 20, won by 159854 votes, become the group chief "idol", create...

标签: 手游