新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全球游戏产业规模首次突破千亿美元


Global game industry breakthrough billions of dollars for the first time

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网6月2日电 彭博社北京时间6月1日报道,伦敦风险投资公司Atomico周四发布的报告显示,2016年全球电子游戏收入首次突破1000亿美元。 报告显示,2016年全球游戏行业的市场价值为1011亿美元,市场研究公司Newzoo发布的数据显示,2015年,全球游戏行业的规模为918亿美元。 Atomico在报告中指出,2016年中国游戏玩家达到6亿人,市场规模达到246亿美元,超过了美国的241亿美元。苹果位于中国的应用商店成为2016年全球游戏产业增长的主要贡献者之一。iOS游戏在去年获得了180亿美元营收,其中来自中国的营收占据了31%。 Atomico在报告中指出,美国和欧洲...

People's Daily on June 2 (Reuters) Bloomberg reported Beijing time on June 1, London venture-capital firm Atomico, according to a report released on Thursday, the 2016 global electronic game revenues topped $100 billion for the first time. , according to a report in 2016 the global game industry's market value of $101.1 billion, a market research company Newzoo according to data released in 2015, the $91.8 billion of the world's game industry. Atomico in the report pointed out that Chinese gamers reach 600 million in 2016, the market is worth $24.6 billion, more than $24.1 billion in the United States. Apple is located in China's app store as 2016 one of the main contributors of global game industry growth. IOS game won $18 billion in revenue last year, which account for 31% of revenue from China. Atomico in the report pointed out that the United States and Europe...

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