新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阴阳师1月22日烟月春和新版本更新内容汇总


Onmyoji on January 22, smoke in spring and the new version to update the content summary

2017-01-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

阴阳师1月22日烟月春和新版本即将上线,这次推出了新式神、新皮肤、新副本还有其他玩法,下面为大家带来详细内容介绍。 体验!现世召唤 寮办全新开启 AR召唤系统【现世召唤】 实景展示 让式神们出现在大家的桌面指尖! 【活动时间】 2017年1月22日更新维护后 1月23日-2月4日 完成日常任务 可获得现世符咒 在不久的将来寮办还将上架现世符咒礼包 召唤!全新式神 以下两位式神 将加入卡池 SSR·辉夜姬 SR·烟烟罗 挑战!妖刀姬 开启全新困难副本【妖刀之秘籍】 通关不同层级即可赢取 妖刀姬头像框...

Onmyoji on January 22, smoke in spring and the new version will be launched, the launch of the new god, the new skin, the new copy and other functions, to bring us the details below. Experience! The secular summon Lao do new open AR live show temporal summon 】 【 call system Let the gods appear in everyone's desktop fingertips! [time] on January 22, 2017, after the update maintenance - February 4th January 23rd Complete daily tasks The secular spells can be obtained Lao do in the near future will also be on the secular charms gift bag & have spent Summon! All new god the following two type Will join the card pool SSR, fai night kyi SR, cigarette smoke, & have spent Challenge! Demon dao ji Open a new hard copy of demon knife techniques 】 【 customs clearance can win at different levels Demon dao ji head box...