新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《封神英雄榜》10月28日安卓不删档 全面还原封神..

《封神英雄榜》10月28日安卓不删档 全面还原封神..

"God hero list" on October 28, android does not delete files Comprehensive still intact god..

2016-10-26 05:08:30来源: 4399

经过多次测试、优化,腾讯首款封神题材手游《封神英雄榜》不删档测试10月28日即将火热开启。届时广大玩家可以在游戏中尽情体验原汁原味的“封神”剧情,任意差遣上百位经典的封神大将。《封神英雄榜》用玄幻精美的画风、简洁畅快的操控,带来极致感官体验和PK快感。 神话经典 超高品质 作为经典神...

After many tests, optimization, tencent's first god mobile game theme "god hero list does not delete files test on October 28, is about to open. When can the players in the game to experience the "god" original plot, arbitrary god sent hundreds of classic sealing. "God hero list with fantasy with elegant style, simple manipulation, bring extreme sensory experiences and PK. Myth classic ultra-high quality as classic god...

标签: 安卓