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《神仙道2》期待重逢 5年老玩家心声倾诉

"The fairy way 2" looking forward to meet 5 players aged voice

2016-05-23 13:07:17来源: 4399

飞鱼科技页游巅峰之作神仙道邀你再续前缘,正统续作《神仙道2》手游将于近期推出。原页游曾开创一代仙侠页游先河,拥有着高达2亿的注册玩家,也铭刻了众多玩家的经典记忆。重铸经典,续写感动,《神仙道2》即将推出的消息一经放出,便引发了众多老玩家的期待。 图1(天泣人设图) 【5年老玩家自述 ...

Flying fish swim pinnacle technology page fairy way invite you again, the orthodox sequel "fairy way 2" mobile game will launch in the near future. The original pages once a page generation XianXia swim first, with 200 million registered players, also is many of the players memory. Recasting, classic written touched, "the fairy way 2" the upcoming news once released, has caused many old players are looking forward to. Figure 1 (day cry, set figure) [5 old players complain...

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