新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌称阿法狗挑战“星际”更难 围棋圈各种不服

谷歌称阿法狗挑战“星际”更难 围棋圈各种不服

Google said afar dog challenge "star" harder to go around various refuses to accept

2016-04-04 09:09:46来源: 新浪

阿尔法(AlphaGo)围棋4:1击败李世石,然后妥妥地荣升了九段,这个结局,大部分中韩围棋高手们都认为输得心服口服,不服的只有世界排名第一的柯洁九段,他一直跃跃欲试想要和阿尔法切磋,可阿尔法却不带他玩儿了。 近日,已有确切消息表明,谷歌人工智能系统的下一个挑战项目是电竞《星际争霸2...

Alpha (AlphaGo) in a 4-1 defeat to go lee se-dol, then no problem to your promotion for nine section, the ending, most experts agree that China and South Korea go to convince them to lose, if not only the world number one KeJie nine section, and he has been ready want alpha play, but the alpha and play without him. Recently, for the exact message that Google artificial intelligence system for the next challenge project is e-sports starcraft 2...

标签: 谷歌