新关注 > 信息聚合 > 是良师也是益友《龙OL》师徒闯江湖


Is a good teacher and helpful friend "dragon OL" teacher and pupil from place to place

2016-03-18 14:31:52来源: 一游网

大型3D玄幻网游《龙OL》架构了一个妖魔四处的神话世界。如果想要在这种处处充满危险的大荒里面生存,没有比结伴更好的好方法了。《龙OL》所推出师徒系统,就是让老玩家带领初入的新人玩家一种快速学习在大荒生存的捷径,玩家们可以结为师徒共闯未来哦!不了解的赶快来看下吧! 【拜师学艺 高起点迈...

Large 3 d fantasy games "OL the dragon" the myth of the architecture of a demon around the world. If you want to in this everywhere is full of dangerous wild survival, in good way better than anything else. "Dragon OL" launched by mentoring system, is to make the old lead entering the new players a rapid learning shortcut to survive in the wild, players can get teacher and pupil altogether into the future! Don't know to look at! The word A high starting point mai...