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一世一双人 网游《天谕》结契玩法总结

I, a pair of people online the day yu qi play summary

2016-03-18 14:31:52来源: 新浪

“只羡鸳鸯不羡仙”,爱情在人们的心中是神圣而又美好的东西。而无束缚3D幻想大作《天谕》中,又怎么少得了美好的爱情呢?下面一起去看看游戏里为爱而生的结契系统吧! Part1·结契的基础条件 想要结契,是有基础条件的,那就是好友之间的亲密度要达到3000,然后就可以结契成为灵魂密友。...

"Only envy is not envyimmortal", in people's hearts is the divine love and good things. Without bound 3 d fantasy masterpiece "the day yu," how little love what? Below to see the game together for love knot of qi system! Part1, basic conditions of contract Want the knot and is a basic condition, that is the intimacy between friends to achieve 3000, then you can knot become soul friend. ...

标签: 网游