新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛后采访IG 这是五人游戏想赢就别膨胀

赛后采访IG 这是五人游戏想赢就别膨胀

Post-match interviews IG this is five games to win don't swell

2016-02-22 10:14:24来源: 电玩巴士

在LPL2016春季赛补赛中,凭借着打野选手小孩游神的出色发挥,已经带着一个胜场优势的IG战队成功战胜了EDG,从而以总比分2比0获得了最终的胜利,拿下了宝贵的1分。 Q:IG通常以中路为核心进行比赛,为何今天的比赛,小孩打野频频针对上路呢? 小孩:因为姿态上路已经打出优势,我想...

In LPL2016 spring racing game, with a dozen wild children swim excellent play god, have a game with the advantage of IG team success over EDG, with a total score 2-0 won the final victory, won the precious one. Q: IG usually centered on the middle game, why today's game, children play wild frequently targeting on the road? Kid: because stance on the road have play advantage, I think...

标签: 游戏