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英雄之境玄的试炼开启 可得大量天书

Open trial of the hero Hyun habitat available open trial of a large number of heroes of Greek

2015-09-25 08:52:17来源: 4399

英雄之境玄的试炼开启,玄的试炼活动玩法,玄的试炼怎么玩 活动开启时间:9月25日 活动奖励:天书(可兑换英雄玄) 英雄之境玄的试炼开启,包含【玄的目光有杀气】和【跟上玄的节奏】,都是很有意思的活动,一起来看看怎么玩吧! 玄的目光有杀气怎么玩? 非常的简单,当玄的头顶冒泡的时候,...

Xuan, Xuan trial activity play. Trials of Xuan how to play activities opening time: September 25 reward: mysterious hieroglyphics (convertible hero Xuan hero throughout the trial opening, contains [Xuan eyes have murderous] and [Xuan to keep up with the rhythm], all is very interesting activities, work together to take a look at how to play it! Mysterious eyes of murderous look how to play? Very simple, when the head of the mysterious bubble,...