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人气超火爆 《盖世豪侠》新服盛况回顾

Super hot popular "guise Knight" new service pomp review

2015-09-25 14:58:29来源: 游久网

【游久网9月25日消息】“天马行空耍大侠”,欢聚互娱旗下《盖世豪侠》自9月18日新服开启以来深得玩家热捧,人气一路飙升,服务器全面飘红。镇魔塔前,副本门口更是人头攒动,现在就让我们一起来回顾当天的盛况吧! 点击进入:游戏频道 | 官方网站 “江湖奇侠”新服开启 人气全线飘红 “...

[swim long net on September 25 news "a powerful and unconstrained style play heroes", gather each other's entertainment under the guise Knight "since September 18 new service since the start of the deep players blitz, popularity soared, server fully floating red. The town magic tower before, a copy of the entrance is crowded, let us work together to review the day of the event! Click to enter: game channel | official website "vagabond" the new service opens in popularity across the board"...