新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创造式庄园手游《浪漫庄园》 9月29日放飞自由

创造式庄园手游《浪漫庄园》 9月29日放飞自由

The creation of the manor hand tour "romantic manor" in September 29th free

2015-09-25 15:49:37来源: 4399

全球首款玩家独立创造式庄园手游《浪漫庄园》9月29日正式登陆iOS平台。游戏集DIY养成、社交互动、精美萌宠等时尚要素为一体,崇尚自由开放。广大手游玩家可以在自己的指尖放飞理想、自由创造。 十年前风靡全球的端游获得了数千万玩家的认可,率先引入Game3.0概念使得该作不论是在游戏类型上...

world's first player to create a style manor hand tour "romantic manor" in September 29th officially landed iOS platform. Game set DIY to develop, social interaction, exquisite and other fashion elements for the integration of fashion, advocating free and open. The majority of hand travel players can fly in their fingertips ideal, free creation. Ten years ago swept the world's end tour to get a number of players of recognition, the first to introduce the concept of Game3.0 to make the game whether it is on the type of game...

标签: 手游