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战略转变 微软坦言降低第三方大作独占投入

Strategic transformation of Microsoft said lower third party as exclusive investment Sina

2015-09-21 17:02:21来源: 新浪

众所周知,Square Enix的《最终幻想14:重生之境》在次世代主机平台只登陆了PS4,对此微软Xbox负责人Phil Spencer出面解释了为何这款游戏在Xbox One上玩不到。 “这一切都是商业方面的原因,”在一次采访中他告诉IGN,但他表示不能透露更多的细节。此外,他还...

known, square Enix's "Final Fantasy 14: Rebirth of the environment" in the next gen console platform only landed in the PS4, this Microsoft Xbox responsible for Phil Spencer come forward to explain why this game on the Xbox one does not play. "It's all about business reasons," he told IGN in an interview, but he said he could not disclose more details. In addition, he also...

标签: 微软