新关注 > 信息聚合 > 崩7采访:ee是一个完美的队友 C9内讧队

崩7采访:ee是一个完美的队友 C9内讧队

Collapse of seven interviews: EE is a perfect teammate C9 infighting team

2015-08-31 09:54:13来源: 超级玩家

关于崩god: 以前的采访中,bone7给我的印象是一个竞技性很强的人。但是他做人也很正直,并不会因自己的竞技性而和其他人产生矛盾。我从来没见过他说任何人的坏话,也没见过他在人群中和别人随意起哄,甚至一群人一起讲个笑话bone7一般都不会做出太大反应。 这次采访前开始,bone7对我...

about collapse: before the interview, bone7 gave me the impression is a strong competitive games. But he is also very honest, and not because of their competitive and other people have a contradiction. I've never seen him to speak ill of anyone, never seen he in population and others casual booing, even a group of people together to tell a joke bone7 generally do not make too big response. The interview starts, bone7 to me...