新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游2要不要继续相信?这是甜蜜的代练陷阱吗


Fantasy Westward Journey 2 whether to believe? This is a sweet Dailian trap?

2015-08-31 01:52:41来源: 游久网

求围观!小伙伴们说是不是被坑了? 我一个朋友没时间蹲电脑前,想到了代练,于是联系了一个世界喊话的 (***代练 包跑商 包修炼 包信誉什么的) 价格他报出是100块 两天3000W经验 好像不算黑 来了 看大图 请记住他

seeking crowd! Small partners say is the pit? One of my friends have no time squatting in front of the computer, think of the leveling and then contact the world propaganda (* * * leveling package run business Bao Xiulian, he quoted the credibility of what the price of the packet is 100 yuan for two days 3000W experience seems not black to enlarge it please remember him

标签: 梦幻西游