新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《传奇永恒》酣战十五天 封闭测试精彩瞬间

《传奇永恒》酣战十五天 封闭测试精彩瞬间

The eternal legend "pitched fifteen days closed test wonderful moment

2015-08-19 19:09:29来源: 17173

盛大游戏自研力作《传奇永恒》于本月6日开启封闭测试,正式拉开为期十五天的PK盛宴。在这场24小时不间断的狂欢中,更有无数精彩瞬间烙印在每一位衷情PK的玩家脑中。 恶战尸王殿 也许初来乍到的我们不曾记得边界村的安宁,急于冲级的我们不曾留恋比奇城的繁华,但相信你们一定记得主线任务尸王殿...

Shanda self-study masterpiece," the legend of the eternal "on the 6th of this month opening and closing test, officially opened for a period of 15 days of PK regale. In the 24 hours of uninterrupted carnival, countless wonderful moments in every one's PK game player in the brain. Battle corpse king hall may we arrived early remembers border village of peace, eager to leveling we never miss Beach City downtown, but I believe you will remember that the main task of the corpse king temple...