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挑战神迹 《梦想世界》手游星界十二宫

Challenge miracle "dream world" astral travel

2015-07-28 10:52:32来源: 4399

梦想世界手游全新副本星界十二宫重磅开启,让你不只可以挑战传说中六大职业的勇者,挑战降临各地的四圣兽,还可以挑战星界十二宫,直击星魔,畅快战斗体验尽在梦想世界手游全新副本。 星魔乱世 星魔降临星界十二宫,星界常序受到魔界气息干扰,星象紊乱,致使人间妖魔出没,打破已有的安宁。为此,星使...

sign of the zodiac dream world tour new copy of star circle the zodiac pound open, let you can not only challenge the legend in six career of the brave challenge comes around the four sacred, can also challenge the astral twelfth house, watch Star magic, carefree combat experience as in the dream world tour started a new copy of the. Star Star magic chaos magic upon the astral zodiac, astral often order was demon breath interference, astrological disorder, resulting in human demons infested, break the existing peace. For this purpose, the star...

标签: 手游