新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏角色人气总选举2020 女子决赛投票帖

游戏角色人气总选举2020 女子决赛投票帖

Game character popularity general election 2020 women's final voting post

2020-11-02 18:00:00来源: 游戏时光

  历时一个多月,我们的总选举终于要来到最终决赛了。非常机缘巧合的,两场决赛都是《女神异闻录5R》角色和《最终幻想7 重制版》角色的对决,让人梦回 2017 年的女子决赛。  那么今年,谁将坐上王座? 投票规则  ■ 在 9 月 21 日 18 点之前注册的游戏时光用户,均可参与投票  ■ 本场投票时间为 11 月 2 日 18:00 ~ 11 月 3 日 23:59  ※ 关于本次赛事的赛制、角色参选标准、完整入围名单,请点击此处查看。  ※ 如遇平票,则在战报中进行一轮加赛。小组赛具体分组请点击此处查看。  ※ 同时进行的还有男子决赛投票,请点击此处查看。决赛:高卷杏 VS 蒂法  烟火大会。  华灯初上,庙会街开始热闹了起来。熙熙攘攘的,是路上穿着浴衣的行人。  怪盗团支起了一个「屋台」:奥村春密密麻麻

After more than a month, our general election is finally coming to the final. It's very coincidental that the two finals were the duels between the roles of "goddess strange news record 5R" and "Final Fantasy 7 reprint", which makes people dream back to the women's final in 2017. So this year, who will be on the throne? Voting rules ■ game time users registered before 18:00 on September 21 can participate in voting ■ the voting time is from 18:00, November 2 to 23:59, November 3. Please click here for the competition system, role selection criteria and complete shortlist. In case of a tie, one extra round will be carried out in the war report. Please click here to view the specific grouping of group competition. There are also men's final voting, please click here to check. Final: high volume apricot vs Tifa fireworks conference. When the lights were on, temple fair Street began to be lively. There were people in bathrobes on the road. The bandit group set up a "house platform": the dense and dense aocunchun

标签: 游戏