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跑轰革新 《使命召唤OL》今日开启开放测试

By innovation "call of duty ol" opens today in open test

2015-07-25 19:33:50来源: 178游戏网

今日(7月25日),腾讯、动视枪战网游《使命召唤Online》正式启动“开放测试”。 多样福利 开放测试开启之际,《使命召唤Online》将为所有玩家送上开测“见面礼”。同时,为庆祝《使命召唤Online》开放测试的到来,腾讯游戏十大明星平台携手为玩家带来空前丰厚的礼包福利——玩家...

today (July 25), Tencent, depending on the shooting games, "call of duty online" officially launched the "open beta". On the occasion of the opening of a variety of benefits, the call of duty Online will be for all players to send the test to meet the ceremony". At the same time, to celebrate the "call of duty online" open testing the arrival, Tencent games Ten Star platform hand in hand for the players bring unprecedented huge benefits package -- internationally.