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《刀剑神域OL》 开启不删档内测

The domain of God sword OL "open does not delete files online

2015-07-24 19:57:19来源: 18183

《刀剑神域OL》于今日7月24日11:00进行全平台不删档内测!欢迎你来缔造全新刀剑世界,开启横版拼杀的全新刀剑世界! 延续经典卡牌玩法,《刀剑神域OL》于今日7月24日11:00进行全平台不删档内测!欢迎你来缔造全新刀剑世界。 游戏内超多精彩活动等你来,不要犹豫,现在就加入我们...

" sword God domain ol "today July 24 at 11:00 on to the platform does not delete files online. You are welcome to create a new world of sword, open a new world of sword horizontal version of fighting! Continuation of the classic card card games are played, the sword God domain ol "today July 24 at 11:00 on to the platform does not delete files online! Welcome you to create a new world swords. In the game more than exciting activities, and so you come, do not hesitate to join us now...