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Zixia game "Qijian" Pacification in times of rapid growth

2015-07-13 17:24:29来源: 07073游戏网

任务是游戏中核心组成元素,而任务也分为许多种,例如剧情任务、平乱任务等。今天小编要为大家讲解的就是《七剑》平乱任务,从该任务中我们可以获得大量的珍贵资源,令我们的实力可以得到更快速的增长! 平乱任务介绍 1、玩家等级达到38级方可开启平乱任务功能; 1、平乱任务一共有20轮,...

task is game core elements, and task into a number of categories, for example the story missions, subjugation tasks. Today Xiaobian for everyone to explain is the "Qijian" counter insurgency tasks, from the task we can obtain a lot of valuable resources, so that our strength can be more rapid growth. Counter insurgency tasks introduced 1, the level of player to reach 38 level before opening function of the insurgency task; 1, subjugation mission a total of 20 rounds,...

标签: 游戏