新关注 > 信息聚合 > KOG在线赛车新游《终极竞赛》封测宣传片公开


KOG online racing travelogue "ultimate contest" beta propaganda piece open

2015-07-06 16:53:44来源: 178游戏网

《永恒冒险》研发商韩国KOG的在线赛车新游《终极竞赛(原名,ULTIMATE RACE)》即日起至7月7日在韩国展开封闭测试,并公开了游戏宣传影片。 官方在此次封闭测试开放包括日产、HYUNDAI、KIA等多品牌实际车辆与实际存在于韩国的赛车路线,并开放PvP模式与车辆调整系统等供体...

the eternal adventures developers Korea KOG online racing travelogue "ultimate competition (formerly, the ultimate race)" today to July 7 in South Korea to start closed beta, and open the game to promote the film. Official in the closure of the test open including Nissan, KIA, HYUNDAI and other multi brand actual vehicle and the actual existence of the South Korean car line, and open the PvP mode and the vehicle adjustment system and other donors...