新关注 > 信息聚合 > 应书岭船队太湖夺冠 英雄互娱首战告捷

应书岭船队太湖夺冠 英雄互娱首战告捷

Should book ridge fleet Taihu Title hero mutual entertainment reinterpreted

2015-07-06 17:12:19来源: 科技讯

2015第七届太湖杯帆船赛7月4日在江苏无锡太湖正式拉开帷幕,来自北京、上海、台湾,青岛等地的近40支国内顶尖帆船队相继亮相太湖。今日,第七届太湖杯帆船赛在三轮激烈的总决赛中完美收官,英雄互娱(Hero Racing Team),在决赛第一轮比赛落后的情况下,上演绝地反击,在第二,三轮比...

2015 seventh Taihu cup Regatta July officially opened on the 4th of Taihu Lake in Wuxi, Jiangsu, from Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan, Qingdao and other places of nearly 40 domestic top sailing team have appeared in Taihu Lake. Today, seventh Taihu cup regatta in the finals in three rounds of fierce perfect ending, hero (hero racing team) for mutual entertainment, in the final of the first round of the competition behind the, staged Jedi counterattack, in the second, three more than...