新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创意、清新!2015E3游戏展精彩独立游戏盘点


Originality, freshness! Inventory 2015E3 game show and the great indie games Sina

2015-06-23 14:39:23来源: 新浪

在刚刚结束不久的2015E3游戏展上,除了像《神秘海域4》、《最终幻想7重制版》这种玩家期待的大作外,不少新推出的独立游戏以它们的独特的创意、画面及游戏形式使玩家们眼前一亮,下面我们就盘点一下这些在E3游戏展上公布的独立游戏吧。 1."新人类计划"《ION》 在E3微软发布会发布会上...

in the just concluded near 2015E3 game show, except like uncharted 4, "Final Fantasy 7 remake" the players look forward to work outside, many newly launched independent games to their unique creative, the screen and the form of the game the players in front of a bright. In the following, we will check the independent games announced at the E3 game show it. 1 "new human plan" "ION" in the E3 Microsoft conference...

标签: 游戏