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Switch travel: gunners, do you want to repair the railway

2021-03-08 16:50:59来源: 游戏时光

本周 Switch 值得一玩的游戏真不少,首先就是重生娱乐的《Apex英雄》。这款游戏在最近几个月又有人数回暖的趋势,或许 Switch 版能进一步扩展游戏的人数;平台跳跃佳作《古惑狼4 时机已到》也在本周发售,不得不说这类游戏真的挺适合 Switch 便携的属性。此外还有有官方中文的《A列车》系列新作,《氰化欢乐秀》改编游戏等作品,一起来看看吧。打枪的Friends,来修铁路吗Apex英雄原名:Apex Legend售价:免费游玩上线日:3月9日是否支持中文:全区中文Switch 版的《Apex英雄》会直接衔接进入游戏的第八赛季,获得战斗通行证 30 级的奖励,并且 3 月 9 日~23 日期间游戏可享双倍经验奖励,支持跨平台联机。别的不多说了,就希望 Switch 版帧数的帧数能够稳定一些。古惑狼4 时机

There are many games worth playing in switch this week. The first one is the rebirth entertainment "apex hero". In recent months, the number of people in this game has been warming up again. Maybe switch version can further expand the number of people in this game. The platform jump masterpiece "the time has come for ancient puzzle wolf 4" is also on sale this week. I have to say that this kind of game is really suitable for switch portable properties. In addition, there are official Chinese "a train" series of new works, "cyanide joy show" adapted games and other works, let's have a look. Friends, to build the railway? Apex hero original name: apex legend price: free play online date: March 9 whether support Chinese: the Chinese switch version of "apex hero" will be directly linked into the eighth season of the game, won the combat pass level 30 award, and

标签: Switch