新关注 > 信息聚合 > 直播:「狂怒世界」会是3D马力欧未来的发展方向吗


Live: will "Rage world" be the future direction of 3D Mario

2021-02-23 11:58:24来源: 游戏时光

《超级马力欧 3D世界》在移植到 NS 后新追加了关卡「狂怒世界」。作为《奥德赛》之后 3D 马力欧的首个全新内容,它会代表 3D 马力欧未来的发展方向吗?今日直播,我们就来体验一下。》》》直播间地址《《《

Super Mario 3D world added a new level "fury world" after it was transplanted to ns. As the first new content of 3D Mario after Odyssey, will it represent the future development direction of 3D Mario? Live today, let's experience it. 》》》Live room address《《《

标签: 直播