新关注 > 信息聚合 > 如果每个人的心态都能像他一样


If the mentality of everyone like him

2015-05-31 13:15:57来源: 17173

文章 摘要 游戏心态有多重要 游戏摆摊无聊,便想找人聊天,于是便产生如下对话#24 这哥们是我前年认识的,因为一次买卖BB的时候认识的,我骂他黑商,他就开始和我理论,后来聊天就熟了

Abstract game mentality has many important game stall bored, he wanted to find someone to chat, so will produce the following dialogue #24 this guy is the year before I know, because of a sale of BB understanding, I called him black business, he started and my theory, and later chat cooked