新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《蓝霹雳》最新武器概念图公布 竟是中国制造!

《蓝霹雳》最新武器概念图公布 竟是中国制造!

The concept map of the latest weapon in the blue thunderbolt was made in China!

2015-05-31 14:04:18来源: 逗游网

近日,《战争机器》之父Cliff Bleszinski公布了旗下《蓝霹雳(Project Bluestreak)》的设定原画 ,这批原画主要展示了《蓝霹雳》游戏中的各项武器。 《蓝霹雳》为虚幻4引擎开发,官方曾在今年的PAX East 2015展会上发布了游戏的首部预告片,本作设 定...

. "War of the machines," the father of cliff bleszinski announced the flag under the Lan Pili (project Bluestreak) "setting the original, the original painting mainly shows the" blue thunder "game of the weapon. Blue chip for the unreal 4 engine development, the official East PAX 2015 show in this year, the first trailer released the game, this set of...