新关注 > 信息聚合 > SNK正版授权《拳皇97》格斗经典焕发新生!


SNK licensed "KOF 97" classic fighting back to life!

2015-05-05 16:00:33来源: 4399

说起街机游戏的代表作,那么《拳皇97》绝对能位列最前。在那个格斗游戏盛行的年代,《拳皇97》凭借其绝佳品质迅速统治了广大街机厅,成为了一代人的共同回忆。十多年过去了,如今《拳皇97》仍是街机厅必不可少的配置,可见其深入人心的程度。 但在生活节奏加快的今天,当年的街机迷已没有多少时间浸淫...

speaking on behalf of the arcade game, as "the king of fighters 97" absolutely in the front. In the fighting game era, "the king of fighters 97" by virtue of its excellent quality quickly dominated the wide street hall, has become the common memories of a generation. Over the past ten years, now "97" is still the essential KOF arcade configuration, the degree of win support among the people. But in speeding up the pace of life today, the arcade enthusiasts have not much time immersed...