新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《跑跑卡丁车手机版》最新爆料:将于5月正式发布


"Kart mobile phone version of the latest revelations:" will be officially released in May

2015-04-22 10:52:28来源: 4399

作为红极一时的经典端游衍生作,从世纪天成宣布自主研发《跑跑卡丁车手机版》开始,大家对它的关注便从未停止。而根据小编目前了解到关这款游戏的最新消息是:《跑跑卡丁车手机版》将会在今年五月份正式上线(公测)。 之前《跑跑卡丁车手机版》去年7月和今年4月开启测试的时候,游戏的地图文件在之前就已...

as a classic derived from the end of the tour, announced the "century of independent research and development of mobile phone version of kart" start, attention to it will never stop. According to small make up to the latest news concerning the game is: "kart mobile phone edition" will be officially launched in May this year (beta). "Before the kart mobile phone edition" in July last year and April of this year when the game open test, the map file before it has...