新关注 > 信息聚合 > 移动时代的儿童游戏:如何实现6亿的下载量?


The era of mobile games for children: how to realize the 600000000 downloads?

2015-04-09 11:31:09来源: 电玩巴士

儿童游戏市场是一个特殊的市场,在PC游戏时代,国内即诞生了淘米、广州百田这样定位于儿童、青少年市场的成功上市游戏厂商,也出现了《摩尔庄园》《赛尔号》《洛克王国》这样的明星产品。然而在移动游戏时代,儿童游戏可谓集体低迷。 到底问题出在哪里?这或许与目前国内游戏市场用户成本高涨、以及儿童...

children's game market is a special market, in the PC era, domestic game makers listed is born, Guangzhou rice hundreds of children and teenagers, so positioning in the market success, also appeared Moore Park "" "" "" the Saier number the kingdom of Rock stars such products. However, in the era of mobile games, children's games can be described as a collective slump. In the end where is the problem? Perhaps with the user cost rising, domestic game market and children...

标签: 游戏