新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战国无双5》和日本消防厅合作联动,织田信长又当起了消防大使


"Unparalleled in the Warring States period 5" cooperated with the Japanese fire department, and Nobuta Zhitian became the fire Ambassador again

2021-04-26 16:11:11来源: 触乐

1582年,一场大火让日本战国大名织田信长和“火灾”永远地挂上了钩。当年,织田信长在京都本能寺遭到家臣明智光秀叛变,葬身于火海,世称“本能寺之变”。因此,在日本,织田信长的形象经常与“痛恨火灾”绑定在一起。即将在6月份发售的动作游戏《战国无双5》近日与日本总务省消防厅推出联动活动,让织田信长当上了消防大使。 双方这次合作,决定制作一套预防火灾主题的警示海报,在全国各地的县厅和消防设施进行张贴。其中一张“家用火灾警报器”主题的海报中,织田信长手里握着警报器,旁边写着“如果那个时候有警报器就好了”。另一张“小心火灾”主题的海报中,明智光秀和织田信长分别站在图中左右两侧,中间

In 1582, a fire broke out between Nobuta Zhitian and & amp; ldquo; Fire & amp; rdquo; Forever. At that time, Nobuta Zhitian was betrayed by his family minister, wise Guangxiu, in the instinct Temple of Kyoto and buried in the sea of fire; ldquo; Change of instinct Temple & amp; rdquo;。 Therefore, in Japan, the image of Nobuta weaving is often associated with & amp; ldquo; Hate fire & amp; rdquo; Bound together. The action game "unparalleled in the Warring States period 5", which will be released in June, recently launched a linkage activity with the Fire Department of Japan's Ministry of general affairs, making Nobuta Zhitian a fire ambassador.