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The Chinese version of PS4 and switch of "devil's world 6" was released

2021-04-23 12:26:06来源: 游戏时光

日本一此前宣布旗下经典战棋系列新作《魔界战记6》将于 5 月 27 日发售 PS4/Switch 中文版,今日官方公布了本作中文介绍视频。 视频地址《魔界战记》系列截止目前全球累积销量已达 450 万,并被称为“史上最凶 SRPG”,《魔界战记6》为系列相隔六年的正统续作,故事围绕着魔界最弱小种族“僵尸族”的一位少年,为了拯救妹妹前往挑战破坏神,通过“越死越强”的秘法不断进行着“超转生”,在人界、魔界、音乐界、科幻界、魔法学校界游历,最终崛起成为神之毁灭者的故事。通过系列长达 17 年的积累,本作的系统将更加“夸张化”,角色等级上限变成了 9999 万 9999 级,伤害单位也升级到了“京”,此外还追加了超级转生自动快速战斗和对战 Ai 编程等适应现代节奏的玩法。  

Japan previously announced that its new classic chess series "demon world war 6" will be available in Chinese version of PS4 / switch on May 27. Today, the Chinese introduction video of this series was officially released& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Video address: up to now, the world of Warcraft series has accumulated sales of 4.5 million worldwide, and is known as "the worst SRPG in history". The world of Warcraft 6 is an orthodox sequel of the series separated by six years. The story revolves around a teenager of the weakest race "zombie clan" in the world of Warcraft, who went to challenge the God of destruction in order to save his sister, Through the secret of "the more death, the stronger", we continue to carry out "super reincarnation" and travel in the human world, the demon world, the music world, the science fiction world, the magic school world, and finally rise to become the story of the destroyer of God. After 17 years of accumulation, the system will be more "exaggerated". The upper limit of character level has become 999999, and the damage unit has also been upgraded to "Jing". In addition, super reincarnation, automatic fast combat and AI programming are added to adapt to the modern rhythm& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp

标签: PS Switch PS4