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叙事驱动RPG新作Project Vitriol公布

Narrative driven RPG new project vitriol released

2022-06-18 11:28:53来源: 游戏时光

发行商 11 bit Studios 和开发商 Fool's Theory 公布了一款叙事驱动 RPG,代号为 Project Vitriol,登陆平台和发布日期尚未公布,更多消息将于今年夏天公开。视频地址本作设定在 20 世纪初的华沙,当时还处于俄国沙皇的统治下,这里的现实、民间传说、能量和神秘主义交织汇聚。故事风格偏向黑暗。据称本作是该发行商迄今为止规模最大的作品,将有完整的配音和动作捕捉,其预算超过 1700 万波兰兹罗提(约 380 万美元)。Fool's Theory 首席执行官和该项目负责人 Jakub Rokosz 表示,这是一个“深刻的、道德取向中立的叙事驱动的 RPG”,故事涉及“现实中深奥的一面,即我们大多数人看不到的、不知道的世界的黑暗部分”。11 bit Studios 外部开发总监 M

The publisher 11 bit studios and the developer fool's theory announced a narrative driven RPG, code named Project vitriol. The landing platform and release date have not been announced. More information will be released this summer. The video address book was set in Warsaw at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, it was still under the rule of the Russian Tsar. The reality, folklore, energy and mysticism here were intertwined and converged. The story style is dark. It is said that this work is the largest work of the publisher so far. It will have complete dubbing and motion capture. Its budget is more than 17million Polish zloty (about US $3.8 million). Jakub rokosz, CEO of fool's theory and the project leader, said that this is a "profound and morally neutral narrative driven RPG", and the story involves "the profound side of reality, that is, the dark part of the world that most of us can't see and don't know". 11 bit studios external development director M