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《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》主线关键任务一览

List of key tasks of the main line of monster hunter rise: Dawn

2022-07-04 20:06:25来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》已经正式发售了,本作的关键任务有哪些呢?想要快速开荒的玩家可用本文作为参考。前置条件开启《怪物猎人 崛起:曙光》内容之前,必须先完成集会所七星紧急任务:雷神(狩猎1头雷神龙)。开场准备承接紧急任务:撕裂寂静者(狩猎1只大名盾蟹)狩猎成功后与阿尔洛教官对话,解锁斗技任务。替换技的「迅速切换」也会在此时开放。此次斗技任务不要求强制完成。一星任务为船开路(合计讨伐15头盾蟹和蓝速龙)十万火急!尽快狩猎!(狩猎1头搔鸟)注意树荫的水兽(狩猎1头水兽)废神社的相扑大赛(狩猎2头青熊兽)完成任意 2 项后解锁紧急任务:拦路的河童蛙(狩猎1头河童蛙)挑战紧急任务成功后解锁:火不足为惧(狩猎1头伞鸟)滚动逼近的红球(狩猎1头赤甲兽)满身的泥泞就是王牌(狩猎1头土砂龙)密林的毒地毯(狩猎2头毒狗龙王)抖抖

The rise of the Monster Hunter: dawn has been officially released. What are the key tasks of this work? Players who want to open up wasteland quickly can use this article as a reference. Preconditions before starting the content of monster hunter rise: Dawn, you must first complete the Seven Star emergency task of the rally: Thor (hunting a thunderobor). The opening preparation is to undertake an urgent task: tear the silent person (hunt a big name shield crab) and talk to the instructor Arlo after the successful hunting to unlock the fighting skill task. The "quick switch" of replacement technology will also open at this time. This fight skill task is not required to be completed by force. One star mission to open the way for the ship (a total of 15 shield crabs and blue speed Dragons) is urgent! Hunt as soon as possible! (hunting 1 scratch bird) pay attention to the water beast in the shade of the tree (hunting 1 water beast) sumo wrestling competition in the abolitionist shrine (hunting 2 green bears) unlock the emergency task after completing any 2 items: the river boy frog in the way (hunting 1 River boy frog) challenges the emergency task and unlocks it after success: the fire is not enough to fear (hunting 1 umbrella bird) the red ball rolling close (hunting 1 red armored beast) the mud all over is the poison carpet of the ACE (hunting 1 sand dragon) dense forest (hunting 2 poisonous dogs Dragon King) tremble

标签: 怪物猎人