新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽世界能幻化其他职业的职业套装吗


World of Warcraft can magically change other occupation occupation suit you

2015-02-22 20:04:41来源: 电玩巴士

问:魔兽世界能幻化其他职业的职业套装吗 答: 不能 首先你兑换不到那些装备 其次就算你拿到旧世界那些BOSS直接掉落的套装也会因为无法使用那些装备而不能幻化

asked: World of Warcraft can magically change other occupation occupation suit answer: can't you first exchange to those items if you get old world those BOSS direct drop suits will also because of the inability to use that equipment and not illusion

标签: 魔兽世界