新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韭菜白萝卜西红柿 男人长寿离不开这5类菜

韭菜白萝卜西红柿 男人长寿离不开这5类菜

Leek turnip tomato man longevity is inseparable from the 5 kinds of food

2015-06-02 00:58:36来源: 东北新闻网

原标题:韭菜白萝卜西红柿男人长寿离不开这5类菜 导读:不难发现,身边讲究各种饮食的多数是女性,而男性相对来说往往是想吃什么就吃什么,甚至有些男性是有什么就吃什么。其实,以下5类食物最“养”男人。...

original title: leek turnip tomato man longevity is inseparable from the introduction of the 5 types of cuisine, is not difficult to find, side stress variety in the diet of mostly female, and male relatively often is want to eat what eat what, even some men is with what we have. In fact, the following 5 kinds of food most of the man. ...